Astro-warning: Stressful week ahead due to upcoming Uranus-square-Pluto transit (20th May 2013)

Uranus square Pluto transit 20 May 2013
Uranus square Pluto transit 20 May 2013

I’ve written about the 7-part transit of the Uranus-square-Pluto transit occurring between 2012 to 2015.. (the 7 transforming waves).

We’ll, part 3 is about to take place on 20th May 2013.. (and part 4  on 1st November!).

Am sure may can ‘t have helped but already notice that the past 1-2 weeks have been getting edgier.. sudden disruptions, little things ending up causing big consequences or effects, stress and so on.. The next 6 days are going to see more of this in more or less every one of our lives.. as we get closer and closer to the energies of this Uranus-square-Pluto culminate ..on the night of Monday 20th May 2013 at 23:02 hrs GMT (UT).

Uranus is currently travelling through the sign of Aries, and Pluto is retrograding through Capricorn!  Sorry…it’s a double-whammy disruptions and chaos for Scorpio and Capricorn, and rather close and intensive time for Aries and Aquarius.  But pretty much intensive, ultimately transformative ..after a period of sudden disruptions …for everyone.

Issues regarding sex, secrets and obsessive habits, wrangles with technology and machinery, computers and internet, realms of the occult can all be part of the themes of issues that come up right about now. Power struggles, hidden or otherwise, fight for control or manipulative behaviour, sleepless nights with over active minds (and possibly inventions and innovations surfacing) will be some symptoms of deeper processes like the pressure of molten earth building towards a volcanic eruption.

As I said, it’s not the first or the last time.

To get a clue of what sort of issues may play to the surface in YOUR particular life, look back at what you were dealing with …last year  around about April -May 2012, and also around about late September to October 2012.   Those matters and issues, if they have not been properly resolved within your lives, will surface again.

But if all those have been explored in the recent 6 months, and you have been learning and transforming your life in many ways, then this wave will not have such a harsh disruptive effect on you ..   (though other issues may now surface).

Again, there will be a further phase of this in October, and more next year..

Trick is to really go deep with the issues that come up, and learn through and let your life be transformed..   and sooner you let that happen, the lesser these Uranus-Square-Pluto transits will smash over your body like giant waves  breaking over you from behind on a tempestuous beach, while you are standing there looking the other way!

Look at the sea, be aware of the wave that is coming..   and be prepared …as much as you can..

Running away is not an option..  because it’s a wave that will hit everywhere!

But then, if you look truthfully and deeply, you already know in your heart..what  am talking about.

Good luck.. for your transformation..  and may you shed the old skin and be reborn.

-Mani Navasothy


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