My thoughts on Doreen Virtue denouncing New Age path and becoming a Christian

My thoughts on Doreen Virtue Denouncing New Age/magical path and becoming a Christian. Am actually fine with this.. just proves my belief that none of us stand still.. and our spirituality must and often evolves.. We know many Christians who become pagan/ wiccan/ why not other way... where a pagan/ New age person becomes … Continue reading My thoughts on Doreen Virtue denouncing New Age path and becoming a Christian

Hanuman – The Monkey God in Hind Epic `Ramayanam’

Here is the extended version of what I recently wrote on my facebook wall, about Hanuman.  He is a monkey - who is supposedly an incarnation of Lord Shiva.  Hanuman is the  son of of Vayu (God of Air) and a mortal Lady Anjana.    He can also fly.. well he's a monkey and is able … Continue reading Hanuman – The Monkey God in Hind Epic `Ramayanam’

What is to happen? A message from Lord Krishna

Here are some words (Bhagavathgeeta) delivered by Hindu Lord Krishna  to the Warrior Arjun at the battlefield (in the Hindu epic `Mahabharatham'). "Whatever happened, happened well. What is happening, is happening well, What is to happen will happen well. What of yours did you lost? Why do you cry? What ever did you bring? of … Continue reading What is to happen? A message from Lord Krishna