Date & Time for Summer Solstice 2016 (and visiting Stonehenge, UK)

From an astrological point of view,  Summer Solstice is when the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. This year, it takes place on Monday 20th June 2016, at 10:34pm GMT (11:34pm British Summer Time).    However the first Sunrise after this is celebrated - as usual - at Stonehenge the next morning.  on Tuesday 21st … Continue reading Date & Time for Summer Solstice 2016 (and visiting Stonehenge, UK)

`An it harm none..’ a blog on the full poem of The Wiccan Rede

Nearly all who practise Wicca & modern Witchcraft will have heard of the Wiccan Rede (An it harm none, Do as you Will'). But am sure not all know that there is a `longer poem' related to it.   The longer version first made its appearance in 1974,  when it was published in a magazine … Continue reading `An it harm none..’ a blog on the full poem of The Wiccan Rede

Winter Solstice 2014 at Stonehenge – details

Winter Solstice is one of the 8 major festivals celebrated by Pagans, Witches, Ritual Magicians, and generally Esoteric & New Age people!   And in the UK, Stonehenge (ancient neolithic stone monument) is one of the places where people of all beliefs gather to mark this festival.. thanks to English Heritage - who owns and … Continue reading Winter Solstice 2014 at Stonehenge – details

Happy 3rd Birthday to Gaian Times!

Well, that sneaked up on me ...the 3rd birthday of Gaian Times! The idea of a free magazine..  exploring Sciences & spiritualities, Ecology & technology, psychology & logic..  had been in my mind for a few years..and I finally took a leap and made an application to Companies House..back in 2011, to make it a … Continue reading Happy 3rd Birthday to Gaian Times!

Gaian Times: Eco-Spiritual Magazine #9 out now!

You know all the excitement of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary event, I totally forgot to blog the fact that last week, the issue#9 of the Gaian Times e-Magazine was published online 🙂 Editor's Letter "...Gaian Times Magazine just keeps getting better - as more and more professionally published authors, experts and beginner-writers join … Continue reading Gaian Times: Eco-Spiritual Magazine #9 out now!

Ganapathy in the Garden (eco-spiritual sculpture)

A spiritual offering to you all..   first look at this Willow twig/branch sculpture I have been making from all the pruned pieces...since September 2012.. It is Ganapathy (Ganesh) the elephant-headed Hindu God of course. 🙂 It started with some difficult issues with neighbours..and I had to do a drastic prunning/ cutting of branches of … Continue reading Ganapathy in the Garden (eco-spiritual sculpture)

Earth Healing Ritual, Activities & Affirmations (Earth Day feature)

Earth Day is on 22nd April.. every year. It is declared by the United Nations, and celebrated by everyone on our planet – everyone who is aware of it, that is. Many Eco-groups and Organisations focus several of their ecology & environment related campaigns, and so do magical and spiritual people who consider the Earth … Continue reading Earth Healing Ritual, Activities & Affirmations (Earth Day feature)

Gaian Times eco-magazine

And here it is - issue#3, just out!! The first issue of Gaian Times e-magazine - and the e stands for both electronic and ecology - came out in June 2011. Gaian Times e-magazine explores the Science, Magic, Arts, Psychology and Social trends - among many other eco-centric subjects.  Is there such a word? Eco-centric? … Continue reading Gaian Times eco-magazine